Clean Neighbourhoods & Litter Enforcement

Fermanagh and Omagh District Council has powers to protect and improve the quality of the environment for our local community.

The Council spends a considerable amount each year to keep the towns and villages of the district clean and tidy. However dropping litter, chewing gum, cigarette butts and dog fouling remain a constant problem, despite the availability of litter bins and numerous public recycling facilities available.

Clean Neighbourhoods and Environment Act (NI) 2011 & Litter (NI) Order 1994
Under this legislation councils have powers to deal with environmental issues on public property such as;

  • Littering and Flytipping
  • Vehicle Litter
  • Fly-posting
  • Graffiti
  • Dog control and dog fouling
  • Abandoned and Nuisance Vehicles

The Council takes the enforcement of this legislation very seriously and is committed to ensuring that it is implemented.

Clean Neighbourhoods Enforcement Policy

Littering, Flytipping and Vehicle Litter

If any person throws down, drops or deposits anything of any kind as to cause, or contribute to or tend to lead to the defacement by litter in a public place, they are guilty of a litter offence. Members of the public, other local government officers and elected representatives are encouraged to report these offences to the Council to ensure a cleaner and sustainable environment. If you witness a person committing a litter offence or find materials flytipped, please gather the evidence and contact the Council’s Clean Neighbourhood Enforcement Officers. You may be asked to complete a witness statement in order for officers to pursue enforcement action.

Advertising for commercial purposes on public property is not permitted. The Council will take enforcement action and remove signage including posters, banners, placards, sandwich type footpath signage, post mounted signage and vehicle or trailer advertising units from public property when they are in breach of legislation.

Non-commercial signage

Signs, banners and placards advertising community, charitable, sporting and church events may be permitted on public property subject to complying with a number of conditions. Event organisers should contact the Council’s Clean Neighbourhood Enforcement Officers for further information if planning to erect signage, banners or placards for non-profit events.

Dog Fouling
Fermanagh & Omagh District Council introduced a Fouling of Land by Dogs (Fermanagh & Omagh District Council) Order in 2017. A copy of the Order is available to download. For further information relating to the Order please contact the Council’s Building Control & Licensing service.

Abandoned and Nuisance Vehicles on public property

A vehicle maybe considered abandoned if it:

  • it has been left for a considerable length of time
  • it has been vandalised, in disrepair or burnt
  • the tyres are flat
  • it is not road worthy of tax, MOT, insurance

If you wish to report an abandoned vehicle on public property contact the Council’s Clean Neighbourhood Enforcement Officers with information.

A vehicle maybe considered a Nuisance if cars are parked on public property advertised for sale in the same street within 500m or if the person is repairing cars in the street as part of a business.

Council officers conduct regular inspections throughout the Fermanagh and Omagh district.

Fixed Penalty Notices (FPNs) are issued for offences under different categories as follows:

£100 for littering, flytipping, graffiti, fly-posting, distribution of printed matter. Fines will be discounted to £80 for early payment within 14 working days.

£100 for dog fouling

£100 for Nuisance Vehicles

£200 for Abandoned Vehicles

Non-payment of a Fixed Penalty Notice could lead to prosecution, and if convicted could lead to a fine of up to £2,500.

Contact details:
For further information or enquiries on the Clean Neighbourhoods and Environment Act (NI) 2011 please contact the Council’s Clean Neighbourhood Enforcement Officers:

Telephone: 0300 303 1777 (all calls charged at local rate)
Textphone: 028 8225 6216