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Public Notice:
Consultation Open – Fermanagh and Omagh District Council – Planning Applications Submissions Validation Checklist
The Planning (General Development Procedure) (Amendment) Order (Northern Ireland) 2024 was made on 1 October 2024 and this gives Councils the power to introduce validation checklists for applications for planning permission (which includes applications made under section 54 of the Planning Act (Northern Ireland) 2011) and reserved matters approvals.
Fermanagh and Omagh District Council’s Planning Department give notice of a public consultation inviting the public to provide their views on the current draft Validation Checklist for submitting Planning Applications.
The purpose of this Consultation is to:
- gather views and comments from interested parties on the draft Validation checklist
- feedback will inform any necessary refinements to ensure the checklist is robust, user-friendly, and meets statutory requirements
A copy of the Consultation is also available to view at the Council’s Connect Centres
16 High Street, Omagh, BT78 1BQ and 15 East Bridge Street, Enniskillen, BT74 7BW
or by telephoning 0300 303 1777.
How to Participate:
- Review the draft Validation Checklist for submitting Planning Applications
- Submit your feedback & comments to
The consultation period will run from 9am on Monday 6th January 2025 until 5.00pm on Friday 31st January 2025.
Planning Application Accompanied by an Environmental Statement
Receipt of Further Environmental Information
Planning Act 2011 & Planning (EIA) Regulations (NI) 2017 (Regulation 18)
Fermanagh and Omagh District Council Area Application No : LA10 / 2019 / 0508 / F
Location: Lands circa 1.3km East of Clabby approx. 625m South East of 115 Aghintain Road approx. 270m North East of 99 Clabby Road and approx. 410m North of 87 Clabby Road townlands of Mullaghsilogagh and Furnish Clabby Tempo
Proposal: Proposed 3no. free range poultry houses with internal egg stores (to contain in total 32,000 birds per house giving an overall site capacity of 96,000 birds) with 6no. heat exchangers, 6no. feed bins, 3no. underground wash tanks, concrete hardstanding and turning areas, access and associated site works
In support of the above planning application, further environmental information relating to the Environmental Statement has been submitted:
Addendum I received March 2020 | Addendum II received May 2021 |
Addendum III received May 2022 | Addendum IV received March 2023 |
Addendum V received June 2023 | Addendum VI received August 2023 |
The application, ES and further environmental information is available for inspection free of charge at Omagh Planning Office, 16 High Street, Omagh. An appointment must be made before calling to the office: 0300 303 1700. The application and accompanying information is available on the NI Planning Portal
The information may be viewed during normal opening hours at Clabby Post Office, 130 Clabby Road, Clabby, Tempo. CD copies can be obtained for free from this location. Copies of the further environmental information can be purchased at a cost ranging between £25 and £35 per addendum and are available from Clyde Shanks, 2nd Floor, 7 Exchange Place, Belfast. Email:
Written representations on this application should be forwarded to the Council not later than 30 days from the date of this advertisement. Please quote the planning reference number in all correspondence. All written comments will be made available for public inspection.
Planning (EIA) Regulations (NI) 2017. The following application for planning permission has been made to the Council and is accompanied by an environmental statement.
Application No: LA10/2024/1174/F
Location: Lands at Glenbane Road, Clunahill Glebe, Drumquin
Proposal: Proposed amendments to previously approved wind farm (K/2007/0547/F re. Clunahill Wind Farm, LA10/2019/1323/F re. new site entrance and LA10/2021/1088/F re. underground cable ducting) comprising 6 No. turbines and associated infrastructure, including proposed change in turbine dimensions (tip height up to 142.5m and rotor diameter up to 117m), reconfiguration of turbine siting, reconfiguration of internal access route tracks and proposed amendments to the approved substation; proposed electrical compound / switchyard, met mast, temporary construction compound, borehole, delivery route junction improvements, access onto Glenbane Road and all associated ancillary works.
The application, Environmental Statement and additional information may be examined at Omagh Planning Office, 16 High Street, Omagh. An appointment must be made before calling to the office: 0300 303 1777
The application and accompanying information may also be viewed online on the NI Planning Portal at
Copies of the Environmental Statement may be viewed at the following locations in accordance opening hours:
Drumquin Post Office (VIVO Essentials, 2 Main Street, Drumquin, 028 8283 1200).
Clyde Shanks, 2nd Floor, 7 Exchange Place, Belfast, BT1 2NA, 028 9043 4393.
A hard copy of the Environmental Statement can be purchased at a cost of £750 or a CD copy for £10 and are available from both locations.
Written representations on this application may be submitted online on the NI Planning Portal or alternatively to the Omagh Planning Office, 16 High Street, Omagh not later than 30 days from the date of this advertisement. Please quote the planning reference number in all correspondence. All written comments will be made available for public inspection as detailed above
Application No: LA10/2024/1132/HSC
Proposal & Location: An application for Hazardous Substance Consent has been submitted to the Council by Gary McCollum on lands at Mountfield Quarry, 89 Barony Rd, Mountfield, under planning reference LA10/2024/1132/HSC. The application is seeking consent for Storage of LPG to be used as a fuel to power the operation of Pelletising line approved under LA10/2022/0911/F.
The council will decide whether or not to grant consent, and if to grant, will decide on what conditions to grant.
Representations (including comments or questions) may be made to the Council not less that 21 days after the date of this advertisement (11th December 2024) and can be submitted by post or by emailing
The application and associated documents may be inspected at the Connect Centre, 16 High Street, Omagh during normal office hours.
Planning (EIA) Regulations (NI) 2017. The following application for planning permission has been made to the Council and is accompanied by an environmental statement. Further Environmental Information (Addendum V), has now been submitted to the Council.
Application No: LA10/2019/0508/F.
Location: Lands circa 1.3km E of Clabby approx. 625m SE of 115 Aghintain Rd approx. 270m NE of 99 Clabby Rd & approx. 410m N of 87 Clabby Rd. Townlands of Mullaghsilogagh & Furnish Clabby Tempo
Proposal: 3no. free range poultry houses with internal egg stores (to contain in total 32,000 birds per house (overall site capacity of 96,000 birds)) with 6 No. heat exchangers, 6 No. feed bins, 3 No. underground wash tanks, concrete hardstanding & turning areas, access & associated site works.
The application, ES and Addendums are available for inspection free of charge at the Planning Office, 16 High Street, Omagh or online using the Planning Portal at
Copies of the ES Addendum V may be viewed at Clabby Post Office, 124 Clabby Rd, Tempo and can be purchased at a cost of £25 (each). CD copies: free of charge.
Any person wishing to make representations about the application should make them in writing to the Council, not later than 30 days from the date of this advertisement. Please quote the planning reference number in all correspondence. All written comments will be made available for public inspection as detailed above.
Application No. : LA10/2020/0762/F
Location: 85m North of 42 Edergoole Road, Edergoole Lower, Omagh
Proposal: Proposed waste facility (for the incineration of livestock) and all associated works – additional information received
The Planning Department of Fermanagh and Omagh District Council wish to advise they are in receipt of additional supporting information in respect of the above planning application.
* Due to the large volume of correspondence received in respect of this planning application there may be a delay in notifying interested parties.
The application, associated reports and details of any representations received are available to view on the NI Planning Portal at
The progress of the application can also be tracked by logging onto the Planning Portal.
All representations are subject to the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR).
The issues raised in all representations received will be considered as part of the processing of the application. Adopting this procedure does not, in any way, impact on that process.
June 2023