
Consultations provide you with an opportunity to have your say. They also help us to find out what you think and to understand your priorities and concerns about our district.

In this section you will find information about all our current and previous consultations, as well as copies of our responses to consultations issued by other organisations.

If you wish to get in touch regarding consultations, please email us at or call us on 0300 303 1777.

Current consultations

1. Draft Fermanagh & Omagh Anti-Poverty Strategy 2024-2034 – “Pathways out of Poverty”.

Over the last six years, an average of 23% of the Fermanagh and Omagh population have been in relative poverty. Given the extent of poverty in our district, Fermanagh and Omagh District Council, along with a number of local organisations, has developed a draft Fermanagh and Omagh Anti-Poverty Strategy – “Pathways out of Poverty”. The draft strategy demonstrates the Council’s commitment, together with statutory, community and voluntary sector partners, to tackle poverty and disadvantage in Fermanagh and Omagh.

It is important for us to hear your views on the strategy, including the themes and priorities identified, and potential actions to tackle poverty in the district. Please visit the consultation page, review the draft strategy and complete the consultation survey. The survey should take around 10 minutes to complete. This consultation will remain open until Monday 30th September 2024.

2. Draft Fermanagh & Omagh Inclusive Economy Action Plan 2024-29

Fermanagh and Omagh District Council has been working with Food For Thought Consultants to develop an Inclusive Economy Action Plan for Fermanagh and Omagh.

A significant level of Stakeholder Engagement has taken place to date to support its development.  It is now intended to hold two virtual stakeholder engagement events to share the content of the Plan and to seek further feedback prior to the Plan being finalised.  A Consultation Survey is also open and will close on 03 May 2024.

3. Call for sites

What is the Call for Sites and why is the Council undertaking a consultation?

The Call for Sites exercise is a process which the Council is undertaking to give the public an early opportunity to get involved in the plan process. The call for sites process will assist the Council in sourcing a long list of potential sites for various land uses for further assessment and consideration during the Local Policies Plan process.

Landowners or developers may make a submission (no fee payable) for their lands to be considered for zoning for either economic development land or housing in the new plan. Information on how to make your submission will be made available on Monday 15 April 2024.

Further information here on the Call for Sites page on our website.

4. Draft Supplementary Planning Guidance documents

The Council have published a number of draft Supplementary Planning Guidance documents. The SPG documents will provide good practice examples which will help applicants and developers.

These documents are intended for use by developers, the public and Planning Officers. SPG represents non-statutory planning guidance which supports, clarifies and/or illustrates by example policies included within the Fermanagh and Omagh Local Development Plan – Plan Strategy. The information set out in the SPGs should therefore be read in conjunction with the Local Development Plan (LDP), copies of which are available online or from the Planning Department. The SPG will act as a material consideration in the determination of planning applications.

Supplementary Planning Guidance (SPG) – Fermanagh & Omagh District Council (

Consultations from the Northern Ireland Executive can be viewed on the NI Direct website.

Consultations exercises from our Community Planning Partners can be found by clicking here, or by using the appropriate link on the right hand side of this web page.

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