Advice and Support Services

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Age NI

Age NI is the leading charity for older people in NI.  Their vision is a world where everyone can love later life.

They provide free information and advice on a range of topics including money matters, learning, support and work.

Find out more HERE


Signpost Express

Age NI produce an e-bulletin – Signpost Express.  It is designed to keep you updated on specific and relevant issues to sub regional network partners working with older people’s programmes, including: new legislation and developments, news, training, events and activities, advice, support and signposting for further information.

Find out more HERE

Dementia Ni

Dementia NI provide services locally for people who have been diagnosed with Dementia.

They have 14 Empowerment Groups throughout Northern Ireland where people can meet others who have been diagnosed with dementia. It is a safe place for their members to offer each other support and raise awareness about Dementia and drive positive change locally.

Find out more HERE


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Alzheimer’s Society

Alzheimer’s Society’s dementia support service offers information and practical guidance to help you understand dementia, cope with day-to-day challenges and prepare for the future. The service offers information to people who are worried about their memory and ongoing support to people affected by dementia face to face, over the phone or in writing.

For more information contact Martin Bradley, Dementia Adviser, Fermanagh – Mob: 07725 47515

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Age Without Limits

The Centre for Ageing Better has launched a new campaign ‘Age Without Limits’ to change the way we all think about ageing and support a growing movement of people and organisations working to make society more age-inclusive.

Find out more HERE


Home Fire Safety Check

NI Fire and Rescue Service offer free home safety checks to provide advice on how to stay safe from fire.

Find out more HERE

Home Fire Safety

Linking Generations NI

Linking Generations is an organisation that connects generations across Northern Ireland.  They focus on the development and promotion of intergenerational approaches to address societal issues.

Find out more HERE

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Pension Credit Advice

Check out the leaflet below to find out what pension credit is and if you could be eligible to apply for it.

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