Study Visit to Belfast City Cemetery

Study Visit to Belfast City Cemetery
Guided tour of Belfast City Cemetery by former Belfast Mayor and author, Tom Hartley
On 20 September 2022, forty people, including members of Fermanagh and Omagh Interfaith group, took part in a free guided tour of Belfast City Cemetery, delivered by former Belfast Mayor and author, Tom Hartley. The cemetery contains graves of individuals from a variety of backgrounds and the tour reminds us that the political and cultural identity of 19th century Belfast was complex and layered. The tour challenged stereotypes, provided a fresh approach to the history of Belfast and is key to understanding the city’s past.
This guided tour promoted mutual understanding and respect in the spirit of this year’s Good Relations Week motto of ‘Change Starts with Us’ and Council’s ‘Everybody Belongs‘ Campaign.
#GRW2022 #FODC #EverybodyBelongs