A.I.M. for Better Access Toolkit

The ‘A.I.M. (Access Inclusion Model) for Better Access’ Toolkit is a free resource, produced by people with disabilities and older people, that aims to make public buildings, local businesses and community groups more accessible. It is part of the Council’s Access Inclusion and Age-Friendly Programmes and has been supported by the Public Health Agency (PHA).
The toolkit provides some top tips for businesses and community organisations to help make accessing services easier for people with disabilities and older people. The content has been created by people with disabilities and older people through consultation with the Council’s Access Advisory Group, Age Sector Network- South West Age Partnership and regional Support Organisations, including the following; Shopmobility Enniskillen, Shopmobility Omagh, Mencap, Autism NI, RNID, deafblind NI, Guide Dogs NI, RNIB, Angel Eyes NI, Headway, WHSCT, Alzheimer’s Society, Dementia NI, Equality Commission for NI, Now Group, and Developing Healthy Communities.
It’s important that people with disabilities and older people have access to as many services as possible. It could also make your venue more user-friendly for everyone, including those using prams. Furthermore, by making services more accessible, we provide opportunities for people to get out and socialise more, which has been proven to help improve physical and mental health and wellbeing. In relation to businesses, people with disabilities have highlighted that businesses missed out on the ‘Purple Pound’. The ‘Purple Pound’ describes the £20 billion that businesses miss out on each year by not catering for people with disabilities.
A range of Engagement Events for businesses, community groups and Council staff will take place throughout the District from March 2023.
To learn more about the project or to take part please contact Corporate and Strategic Services by emailing disability@fermanaghomagh.com , telephone 0300 303 1777 or visit www.fermanaghomagh.com