Council Chair hosts a reception for Jenson Lindsay – All Ireland Senior Young Handler of the Year 2024
24th December 2024

Recently the Chair of Fermanagh and Omagh District Council, Councillor John McClaughry, hosted a reception for Jenson Lindsay who won the title of All Ireland Senior Young Handler of the Year 2024 earlier this year.
The following is a copy of the Chair’s speech made at the reception:
Good evening Councillors, ladies and gentlemen
As Chair of Fermanagh and Omagh District Council, I am delighted to welcome you all here to the Townhall, Enniskillen for this reception in honour of Jenson Lindsay, All Ireland Senior Young Handler 2024.
Jenson, I understand you have grown up on the family farm and have always shown a keen interest in farming. You started breeding pedigree beef shorthorns with your dad and grandad at the age of eight.
You have bought heifers from Ireland, England and Scotland and have crossed these with sires from England, Ireland and Canada.
As well as working on the farm, you enjoy exhibiting at Agricultural Shows. This Summer, you won two first and two seconds at the Armagh Show; Overall Shorthorn Champion and Reserve titles at Omagh Show; and Overall Shorthorn Champion at the Antrim and Clogher Shows.
At the Tullamore Show on 11 August 2024 you won Senior Young Handler of the Year and this earned you qualification for the All Ireland Senior Young Handler of the Year competition.
This competition took place at Elphin Agricultural Show on 31 August 2024 and you successfully brought the title back to Fermanagh. At the age of 14, this is an outstanding achievement and it is testament to your high standard of showing and handling as well as your knowledge of the breed. It is also a remarkable achievement as you have you school commitments as well. I believe your enthusiasm for farming is also a key element of your success because you have the interest and willingness to learn and achieve.
The agricultural industry is an important sector in Northern Ireland and particularly here in the Fermanagh and Omagh District given its rurality. It is also a key worker sector as farmers provide much of the food we eat. It is for this reason that it is encouraging to see young people such as yourself having an interest in farming as you will be the future of the industry.
Fermanagh and Omagh District Council is committed to recognising the rural characteristics of the District and giving consideration to the challenges faced by rural and agricultural communities. We achieve this through the Rural Affairs Sub Committee as we aim to support our rural communities and the farming industry locally.
On behalf of Fermanagh and Omagh District Council, and on my own behalf, I would like to congratulate you on your All Ireland Senior Young Handler competition success. You have done yourself, your family and friends, your county and your District proud. I wish you every success for the future in your academic and farming pursuits.
Thank you.