The Fermanagh and Omagh PEACEPLUS Local Action Plan

Fermanagh and Omagh District Council has been awarded €5.6m grant funding under Theme 1 ‘Building Peaceful and Thriving Communities’ to deliver a Fermanagh and Omagh PEACEPLUS Local Action Plan.

The Action Plan, developed through an intensive co-design process with the local community and voluntary sector will help unite communities, form new connections and celebrate cultural diversity.

A total of 13 programmes will be delivered on a cross community and cross border basis and will include a range of activities such as arts and heritage, sport, well-being, skills development, biodiversity, music, drama and language support.

Programmes will be delivered across three themes:
* Local Community Regeneration and Transformation
* Building Thriving and Peaceful Communities
* Celebrating Cultures and Diversity

Over the coming months, a number of Information and Engagement events will be taking place both online and across the district.   If you wish to register for updates on the PEACEPLUS Local Action Plan and to be notified of upcoming events please click here. 

This project is supported by PEACEPLUS, a programme managed by the Special EU Programmes Body (SEUPB).



Contact Details
Telephone: 0300 303 1777
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