Ulster Scots Programme
Background to Ulster Scots
‘Ulster Scots’, for nearly 400 years, has referred to the people who migrated from the Lowlands of Scotland to Ulster, and to the Ulster Scots communities they established across Northern Ireland. The Lowland Scots contributed to industry, language, music, sport, religion and a myriad of traditions in Ulster . Many of these are now broad themes in Northern Irish society.
There is an appetite for Ulster Scots in Fermanagh and Omagh District Council area and a significant number of groups are heavily involved in core Ulster Scots activities of dance, music, heritage and literature. This is evidenced in part through grant aid allocated by Fermanagh and Omagh District Council, but also funding drawn down from external sources such as Ulster Scots Agency. It is evident that there is less of a focus on Ulster Scots language in the Council area, with a greater emphasis on culture and heritage.
For further information on Fermanagh & Omagh District Councils programme for the promotion and development of Ulster Scots contact Tommy McLaughlin on 03003031777 or email tommy.mclaughlin@fermanaghomagh.com.