Motion: Reinstatement of the Area of Natural Constraint Scheme

Council - 2nd May 2017

To consider the following motion of which due notice has been given:

That this Council:

  1. Notes that farming in the Fermanagh and Omagh Council area is the most important industry and source of income in rural areas;
  2. Notes the very serious concern in the farming community at the cutting of the Area of Natural Constraint scheme;
  3. Writes to all the Party Political leaders, Farming Unions (UFU, NIAPA) NILGA and the Secretary of State James Brokenshire, requesting their support and commitment to reinstate the ANC scheme to at least 2016 levels;
  4. Invites the 10 other Councils to support this motion by also writing to all the Party leaders and the Farming Unions, as well as the Secretary of State James Brokenshire, requesting the reinstatement of the ANC scheme.

Proposed by: Councillors G Campbell, S Clarke, D Coyle, F Donnelly, S Donnelly, A Feely, J Feely, AM Fitzgerald, Greene, Maguire, McCaffrey, McColgan, McNally and O’Reilly.