TSS08 Annual Tender for the Manufacture, Supply and Delivery of Various Signage and Associated Fixings

Tender Details

Title: Tss08 annual tender for the manufacture, supply and delivery of various signage and associated fixings
Closing Date: 23rd February 2024 at 12:00pm
Reference Number: TSS08
Downloadable Files: 7

Tender for the Manufacture, Supply and Delivery of Various Signage and Associated Fixings TSS08

Tender documents may be downloaded by clicking on the View Tender Documents button below.

Completed Tender Documents must be returned by e-mail to tenders@fermanaghomagh.com not later than 12.00 Noon on Thursday 23th February 2024.

The Council does not bind itself to accept the lowest or any tender or any expenses incurred therein.


File Type Size Date
UD01 RevA pdf 553 KB 11th February 2024
UD02 RevA pdf 223 KB 11th February 2024
MS01 RevA pdf 354 KB 11th February 2024
TL01 RevA pdf 426 KB 11th February 2024
AT Signs Pricing Schedule 2023 RevA xlsx 60 KB 11th February 2024
Word Doc for Completion Rev A doc 121 KB 11th February 2024
TSS08 Instructions & Conditions RevA pdf 579 KB 11th February 2024