Irish Exam and End of Year Celebration

7th June 2022

PLEASE NOTE: This article is over 1 year old and may not contain the most up-to-date information.

Fermanagh and Omagh District Council’s annual end of year Irish Oral Exam and Celebratory event will take place in Strule Arts Centre, Omagh on Wednesday 15 June 2022.

The short oral exam, which will take less than 5 minutes to complete, will take place between 6 pm and 8 pm and anyone interested in undertaking the exam can register to do so at or simply by turning up on the night.

Successful participants will have the opportunity on the night to purchase the “couple of focal” badge, or a silver or gold fáinne depending on the proficiency in the language that they demonstrate in the exam.

An evening of music, song and dance will follow at the conclusion of the exam period with music provided by Christine Quinn and friends. Refreshments will also be served.

This celebration event marks the conclusion of Fermanagh and Omagh District Council’s programme of Irish language events for the season and is open to everyone. Admission is free of charge.

For more information on either the Irish oral exam or the celebratory event, please contact Kevin Goodwin, Irish Language Officer, by telephone on 028 8224 7831 or by email at


Scrúdú Béil agus Cóisir Dheireadh na Bliana

Beidh seans ag daoine scrúdú béil sa Ghaeilge a dhéanamh mar pháírt d’imeacht cheiliúrtha dheireadh na bliana a bheas ar siúl in Ionad Ealaíne na Sruthaile Dé Céadaoin 15 Meitheamh. Imeacht bliaintiúl é seo a eagraíonn Comhairle Ceantair Fhear Manach agus na hÓmaí mar pháirt dá clár imeachtaí ar mhaithe leis an Ghaeilge a chur chun cinn.

Beidh seans ag daoine ar an oíche suaitheantas cúpla focal, fáinne airgid nó óir a cheannach dá réir leibhéal na Gaeilge atá acu. Ceol, amhrán agus damhsa a bheas ar siúl i ndiaidh an scrúdaithe le Ray Moore agus cairde ann mar aoicheoltóirí.

Tabharfaidh an t-imeacht seo clár imeachtaí na Gaeilge Chomhairle Fhear Manach na hÓmaí chun críche don scoilbhliain seo. Beidh saorchead isteach ann agus fáilte roimh an huile dhuine chuige.

Le tuilleadh eolais a fháil ar an scrúdú béil nó ar an imeacht ceiliúrtha féin téigh i dteagmháíl le hOifigeach na Gaeilge, Caoimhín Goodwin trí r-phost a chur chuig nó glaoch a chur ar 028 82247831.