Statement of Community Involvement

As the local planning authority, Fermanagh and Omagh District Council is required to publish a ‘Statement of Community Involvement’ (SCI) explaining how we will involve the community in the planning process. The Council encourages the community to become involved in all aspects of planning for the local area. The Statement of Community Involvement sets out the policy for involving the community in the production of the new Fermanagh and Omagh Local Development Plan (LDP) and the consideration of planning applications. It describes who, how and when the community will be invited to participate in the different stages of both the Local Development Plan formulation and the determination of planning applications.

The Council will need to comply with the SCI when it consults on the preparation of its LDP and for development management consultation. The SCI was first put in place by the Council in May 2016 following agreement with the Department for Infrastructure. It was first revised in June 2020 and again in July 2022, in order to update internal Council governance arrangements for the Local Development Plan process and to remove restrictions which were in place due to the COVID-19 situation.

The revised SCI is available for inspection in the Connect Centres in both Enniskillen and Omagh between the hours of 9am – 5pm Monday to Friday and by appointment only in the Grange, Omagh between 9am – 12.30pm & 1.30pm – 5pm (Telephone 0300 303 1777). The documents may also be viewed on the council’s website

The consultation document can be found under the Downloads section on this page.
Copies can be also obtained by writing to the Planning Office, Strule House, 16 High Street, Omagh, or by email from: or telephoning 0300 303 1777.



File Type Size Date
Revised Statement of Community Involvement Jan 2024 pdf 673 KB 30th January 2024